This is an ad for Hart Music, the drum store Mickey Hart managed along with his Father Lenny Hart, at 894 Laurel Avenue in San Carlos. I have speculated elsewhere about whether Mickey was playing with any bands while managing the store from 1965 to late 1967, when he joined the Dead after jamming with them at The Straight Theatre on September 29.
The source of the ad is a book called The SF Band ID Book, an effort to provide a sort of "phone book" for agents or others looking to hire bands. The book, about 40 pages long, features pictures, profiles and contact addresses for San Francisco and Bay Area bands circa Fall 1966. The most well-known bands, such as The Dead, Big Brother or Quicksilver have been profiled many times, but the Band ID book is one of the few sources for photos of groups like The Canadian Fuzz or The Generation.
There are also a few ads from various purveyors of goods and services. Its a nice irony that Hart Music is advertising in the book, but its also good business, since many of their clients would have been in the book also. I do note from the ad that Hart Music seems to have a San Francisco address also, at 317 Columbus, as I have never heard anything about a San Francisco branch of the store. It is interesting to note the display in the ad, as well, as it does remind me of the Grateful Dead drum-percussion set up of the late 1970s--all that's missing is a kit for Billy.
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ReplyDeleteI took drum lessons from Mickey and Lenny at this store when I was in junior high school. One day I mentioned to Lenny that I'd just gotten a new high hat. Lenny wanted to know where I bought it. I told him my Mom bought it for me from Stewart Music in San Mateo. After the lesson, Lenny asked if he could talk to my Mom (who usually sat out in the car while I had my lessons). I said "Sure" and went and asked her to talk to Mr. Hart while I sat in the car. She came storming back to the car a few minutes later and told me that was my last music lesson from Hart Music! Apparently Lenny let into her for buying the high hat from some other music store and not him!
ReplyDeleteloj, thanks for this amazing story.
Deleteloj, thanks for this amazing story.
DeleteMichael Shrieve: "I used to take drum lessons at Mickey Hart's fathers drum shop from a guy named Mike DeLuca."
I took lessons from Mickey and Lenny from 1965, until they moved the store to North Beach in 1967. They taught me the 26 rudiments, and a bunch of 'Ancient Rudimental Drum Solo's'. Mickey entered me into the 'Northern California Rudimental Championship' in Hayward Ca. in 1966. I won my age group (11&12 year old) and Mickey won the open class ( I think he was about 19 or 20 years old). I still have the hand written piece that Micky wrote for me called 'Re-Percussion' that I played at the Hayward competition. I still practice this stuff every day! It was the best training that any drummer could have ever had!!!
ReplyDeleteI've seen stuff about Micky being a great rudiments drummer for decades but what is rudiments drumming? Some kind of mathematical metronome consistency? He says he drummed with serious jazz bands in Paris while he was in the USAF but he has no swing to his drumming which surely you must have to play jazz. He's a stolid thumper unlike Bill who could have sat in for Elvin Jones if the opportunity ever arised, Bill dances on top of his drum kit, Micky thumps.
ReplyDeleteMicky is an interesting percussionist, I just don't rate him as a kit drummer.